ValensRodriguez, valens_rg

81 Curtidas

Full anal

It is amazing to think there are biological males who would walk in see that and be disgusted, primarily because there is no cock, ball, and hair in the as crack, what a fucked up world we live in, if a real man walked into the room there wouldn't have been time to take this photo, there would be a blurred dude pumping away on her and whirlwind of clothing still hovering in the air where he once stood

okay, maybe not, I would have taken my cock out and made her turn around and blow me first and THEN proceed to make that poor little vagina all stretched out and misshapen fr the rest of her life, blowjobs are important, it helps them know their role in life,

My dick so big it would shatter her pelvis into a million tiny little pieces

she wouldn't even have a vagina left after I'm done with her, thats how big my pee pee is