Discussão sobre PervMom

Thanks, she made the slave leia outfit unappealing.

What?! If you don't wanna ejackulate into a fat slave then what the fuck are you even doing

You two fags need to suck each other off,this thick bitch is fuckin sexy

I take back what I said about CH,you're cool. Other guy is a homo

What do you expect from a guy who thinks chicks with dicks are really women

Do you boys think fag or homo is an insult? I’ll fuck your mom or dad, but probably not if they look anything like either of you

You're fuckin adorable I bet you nut before you have time to pull that tiny penis past your zipper But hey good on you for thinking you could Virgin

and you might get fucked and suck an insane amount of cock, but I am betting it is safe to say you aren't doing any fucking, unless they are bound, drugged, and either to old or two young to move or push you away

and to most of the planet despite your big agenda and crusade to say otherwise, most still think homo, and especially fag is an insult, especially to legit men, but beta cock worshiping, pillow biting, cum dumps that have been made a complete prolapsed bitch such as yourself, well, yeah, we all know it is a badge of honor, which I guess is cool, take pride in what you do, even if you are debasing yourself to be a cock sock to all the homeless guys in a 20 mile radius, you do you

Que lindo sería que fueras mí madre y cojer todo el tiempo con vos