Discussão sobre alyssacream

Cómo quiera masturbarme con tus tetas, vagina y pies deliciosos

This chick easily has one of the prettiest pussies on the enternet

Holy shit this bitch do got a fat fucking pussy with no beef hanging out

This was primarily what got me started with the comment section, seeing comments about beautiful women and following up on them to see what the buzz was about, to find and explore new hotties, I see "This chick easily has one of the prettiest pussies on the enternet" Imma check it out, She does not disappoint, that is for sure

Funny thing, my girl was watching that show "Botched" about bad plastic surgeries, and this one chic talked about her gigantic "beef curtains" and my girl didn't know what it was, lol, I personally do not like big meat curtains, still gonna drown a bitch in spunk, but not my preference, I like them like this until I part those lips, one of the reasons, I have always like Clover or Mango

Prettiest pussy & asshole ever!